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Compositing Objects on drone footage

Compositing 3D objects into live footage:
First step is planning the shot using an SUAV.  Planned on iPad, for execution on iPhone connected to flight controller of the DJI Mavic Pro.  The program pictured is Autopilot by Hangar Inc, which allows for pre-planned, keyframed X,Y,Z positional flight for Mavic Pro - Matrice Series, Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.  Additionally, Autopilot allows pre-planned, keyframed camera gimbal control.  All together, precise cinematography can be achieved.
After setting the basic parameters, on to the advanced tab, to describe flight limits.
After establishing safe routes and all applicable FAA regulations, the flight is executed, allowing the drone to follow its pre-made flight plan.
Frame 2383:  After the flight and download, After Effects "Track Camera" is used to analyze the footage to establish planes. After tracking, an origin point is established and EXPORT>Cinema 4D Exporter.  This saves a C4D file with all selected track points exported in a X,Y,Z, location.
In Cinema 4D, the objects are built, placed and animated.
Final placement.
Compositing Objects on drone footage


Compositing Objects on drone footage
